The Quarters are set and they have played out as expected with on exception, Jeremy Chardy! The other 7 players Djoko, Berdych, Ferrer, Almagro, Murray, Tsonga, and Federer were all expected to get to this round and have achieved the achievement. Some have been tested more than others, some were at the brink of defeat, but they are all here. This goes to show the dominance of the top players and how they maintain consistency.
Tennis is said to be at its Golden Age. Players like Roger, Rafa, Nolé and Murray have been so good for so long that their consistency is a characteristic to be marveled at. Players like Ferrer, Tsonga, and Berdych have attempted to break the strangle hold of the top four and have been close, knocking at the door many times. Unfortunately those knocks have been unanswered. Whenever the door opens just a bit, it is shut by one of those four.
The Quarterfinals, with so much star power, promise to be another round of great matches. We are getting closer and closer to the end and will see all of these players pushed closer and closer to the brink. The top players will be challenged by the next, lower tier and maybe they will open up that door a bit more. That same tier will be looking to actually walk through and be a mainstay at the top level.
As for Jeremy Chardy? He looks as he is playing with house money, enjoying the ride, and loving every minute of it. As much as this writer loves perfection and "Golden Ages", it has been fun to see the Frenchman enjoy his cloud!
Look for the Finals preview coming up on Saturday....
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